The Triumph Dolomite Club - Discussion Forum

Project PUS (Sapphire Sprint)
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Author:  Mad Mart [ Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Trouble is, I won't be around when it arrives and I have to work on Saturday, so Mary will get a head start on me. :(

Author:  Mad Mart [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Actually, she probably will. :D

Author:  sprint95m [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Okay I am not going to be popular but.............

I'll be honest with you all, whilst I can understand the economic argument, it is true that
I am disappointed to see a 1500TC being sacrificed to supply its shell for a Sprint.
Secondly, the more worthwhile challenge to me would be to rebuild the Sprint's own shell.

Please Martin, this is what I feel, no offence is intended.
I know the finished article will be top drawer.

Author:  Mad Mart [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

No offence taken Ian, I knew some people would be disappointed but I like to be up front with my projects so that any prospective buyers can see exactly what they are getting. I'm not sure where this shell was destined for but better it put to good use than scrapped. PUS's shell would definitely be a challenge for someone if they wanted a long-term project that they were going to keep. If I were to get it done then I would loose a lot of money on it. Bodywork is not really my thing so I leave it to the professionals. :)

Author:  DoloWIGHTY [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

I am afraid I agree with Ian. Sorry Mart, please do not be offended by my remark but PUS is dead the instance you send it's shell to be cubed.

Author:  emjay [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

I am afraid I agree with Ian. Sorry Mart, please do not be offended by my remark but PUS is dead the instance you send it's shell to be cubed.
always a contentious one this and a lot is dependant on individual perception. Supposing the orginal shell is kept and the sills, doors, boot, bonnet, and wings are replaced then how much alive or dead is PUS then?.

However at the same time I fully understand the sentiment about sacrificing a 1500 TC. I have similar issues and concerns with my Audi Coupe. The amount of her sisters that have been stripped or broken over the years to restore another or create a rally rep is unbelievable. I know a number of people who would gladly take my coupe off my hands, simply to take the headlamps to make rally replica and the rest of the coupe would be broken for parts. This despite the fact that there are probably only 10 to 15 of the old girls left and are rarer than their more glamerous counterparts. :fuming:

An age old discussion that has probably been done on numerous occasions in one way, shape or form. Ultimately in one way another at least one of the two Dolly's is being saved :|

Author:  Purplebargeken [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Hmm, I have always tended towards the smaller Dollys and so on, mostly due to lack of finances and general lack of mechanical skill which would stand me in good stead with the slanty engined types (not that ohv's are perfect mind). If I had the opportunity to own a Sprint then I would go for it. If I had the opportunity to own one of our MM's Sprints, then hell yes!

I guess it isn't a perfect world and we all do what we can to keep these cars going. If the TC was unlikely to see the light of day anytime soon then I think it is ok to use it in another way. MM Sprints are an exellent advert for the marque generally, Sprint or not and draw in new blood to the scene.

Reshelling, etc, goes on throughout the car scene, just ask Nath about base model Mk1 Astra's :(

PS: if anyone wants to gift me an auto Sprint then I would happily accept it, just so that I could learn to deal with my lack of knowledge and preconceptions you understand :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  matienzo [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint) ... 1c19566bb6

Author:  JPB [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

.....if anyone wants to gift me an auto Sprint then I would happily accept it, just so that I could learn to deal with my lack of knowledge and preconceptions you understand :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oi, there's a queue! :lol: :wink:

@Alan & Ian; if this were a project being taken on by someone for their own pleasure and the simple satisfaction of achieving something that many restorers would walk away from, then yes, the 1500TC every time since the shell's so good, or the original Sprint shell and hang the budget, just buy panels and go to work.

But as Mart's looking to earn money from these cars, he must take the decision that makes more financial sense.
OK, some might say "learn to weld", but for a chequebook restoration that the owner is up front about carrying out purely to sell on, then I see no viable alternative short of asking; Mart, how much cash would prise that 1500TC - complete with V5c - from your grasp? :wink:

Hmm, professional welding at a minimum of £70 per hour, possibly more down South vs a car that can be picked up for free as Phil's TC was by Ste, who sorted its body repairs.
It does kind of stick in my throat, but no contest. Mart is taking the only course of action that's financially viable and I wish him success with the job and with the eventual sale.
It's happening, none of our concerns will alter that fact, so let us support the bloke's decision and enjoy reading of his progress. :)
Ooh yes, Mart, put the 1500 back together please. :lol:

Author:  Purplebargeken [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

If there was a "Dolomite Club Hall of Fame" Mart would be the first contender.
I thought he already was :lol:

John..... me, you, at dawn with a couple of kippers. We'll see who's at the front of the queue then eh, eh, eh? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  JPB [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

:mrgreen: OK, let me just find my "Brannigan's kipper oil". As sold by corner shops all over the coastal regions of the UK in the earlier part of the 20th Century, Brannigan's is now enjoying something of a renaissance as the use of the kipper as a duelling weapon once again becomes fashionable.
But a dry kipper can be fatal, hence the oil. In the spirit of fair play, I shall allow you to use a little on your own kipper, but expect to have your work cut out. Fergus and Belle, my duelling kippers, haven't lost since 1983. :rasp2:

Author:  Purplebargeken [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Pah! I have no need for performance enhancing substances such as your dubious kipper oil!

My own brace of dueling kippers (Bert and Doris) are of world famous Inverawe racing kipper stock and are as such renowned for being plump, natural and undyed kippers which are quite simply the best, especially given the aerodynamic qualities of these racing kippers as they simply slice through the air with an unerring degree of accuaracy and speed.

I predict that Fergus and Belle will be facing thier first defeat and I can sense their fins quivering in fear!!

Author:  DoloWIGHTY [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Okay, problem is for me (I cannot speak for Ian but I have a feeling his sentiments are the same) in that I am thinking with my heart rather than my head.

Sometimes you just need to accept that something has reached the end of it's road, everything has it's time on this Earth, in this case it's the 1500TC.

I will not say anymore, just enjoy watching the re-birth of another Triumph.


Author:  sprint95m [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Alan, here I am so.........

(I cannot speak for Ian but I have a feeling his sentiments are the same)
In my post I expressed my feeling of disappointment that a rare 1500TC was being used, I did not
actually criticise Martin's decision as such. I also stated that I understand the economic argument.

If it was a post '76 shell that was being used I wouldn't have passed any comment but I have a soft spot
for the rare 1500TC although my head tells me these are not as practical as an 1850 or Sprint to have as an
everyday car. I did actually enquire about a TC in Leicester 4 years ago but the MOT and tax had lapsed
(it was advertised as having long T&T.) so wasn't a viable option, unfortunately.
In my opinion the TC is a much nicer car than the later HL versions because of its cleaner appearance
without all the plastic trims/black bits. From when I was very little I remember seeing a Sapphire blue 1500
parked in the layby near where the road crosses the railway just north of Golspie. This image has stuck with
me. There is nothing like sentimentality.

I guess it is fortunate that I stay so far from Martin, otherwise I may have been challenged to use PUS's shell
to rebuild the TC 8) .

May I suggest we get back on topic please?

Author:  Mad Mart [ Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Project PUS 877M (Sapphire Sprint)

Thanks for your comments guys. As I said, I knew that not everyone would be pleased with my decision but this shell was possibly going to be Sprinted anyway. We all have our own veiws on this matter so it will never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction.

On the subject of making a profit on our restos, yes we aim to make a few hundred quid but if we divided the profit by the amount of man hours that we put into it then I'm sure you can see that we are not in it to make money, we do it for the love of restoring another Dolly. :D

As Ian has said, can we now get back to the resto. :D

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