Sprint tyres

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Sprint tyres

#1 Post by rvfrc45 »

A few years ago I was at a Dolomite/Sprint meet and was looking at what tyres people were fitting.
I spotted a nice sprint that had Dunlop Street Response tyres fitted, They looked very good to be honest.
Anyway Can anybody recommend any other brands which I may consider.
Cheers in advance for any thoughts. Gary.
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Re: Sprint tyres

#2 Post by cliftyhanger »

I can recommend Uniroyal tyres, excellent grip in wet and dry. I have them on my Spitfire, very good.
On my sprint I currently have FAlken sn110's, but in 175/65 14 flavour. They have a complaint sidewall which seems to suit the car, and I am very happy with them.
In fact, I would suggest any "premium" brand tyre will perform very well. If is getting harder to find suppliers of some brands of 13"tyres, but goodgle is your friend if you are intent on a particular tyre.
Clive Senior
Dougal Cawley
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Re: Sprint tyres

#3 Post by Dougal Cawley »


The best tyres currently for the Dolomites are the Pirelli or the Michelin. However the Pirelli Cinturato are excellent value.

https://www.longstonetyres.co.uk/classi ... omite.html

there are cheap modern tyres out there, but they don't suit the chassis and geometry of these early cars as well, and often the quality isn't as good. this is an independent tyre test where the Michelin and Pirelli are tested against modern tyres from Vredestein and Blockley.

https://www.longstone.com/images/tire-t ... e-test.pdf

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